I want to share all my favorite anime list, anime quotes and anime reviews. Hope every anime freaks and anime lovers would love this especially to those who have not yet watched this. If you want to share your favorite anime, feel free to comment. Let's all have fun watching. ^_^

Attack on Titans Quotes

You seriously dont know why human beings eat potatoes?

You seriously don't know why human beings eat potatoes?
-Sasha Braus (サシャ・ブラウス)-

If you think its natural for people to sacrifice their own lives to save others, surely you understand that sometimes a single death can save many lives.

If you think it's natural for people to sacrifice their own lives to save others, surely you understand that sometimes a single death can save many lives.  
-Mikasa Ackerman (ミカサ・アッカーマン)-

Once Im dead, I wont even be able to remember you. So Ill win, no matter what. Ill live, no matter what

Once I'm dead, I won't even be able to remember you. So I'll win, no matter what. I'll live, no matter what!  
-Mikasa Ackerman (ミカサ・アッカーマン)-

If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don't fight, you cant win!

If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don't fight, you can't win!  
-Eren Yeager (エレン・イェーガー)-

If I dont fight, I cant win

If I don't fight, I can't win. 
-Mikasa Ackerman (ミカサ・アッカーマン)-

I want to see and understand the world outside. I dont want to die inside these walls without knowing whats out there!

I want to see and understand the world outside. I don't want to die inside these walls without knowing what's out there! -Eren Yeager (エレン・イェーガー)-

Only the victors are allowed to live. This world is merciless like that.

Only the victors are allowed to live. This world is merciless like that.
-Mikasa Ackerman (ミカサ・アッカーマン)-

The strong feed upon weak. Its such an obligingly simple rule. Except in this world, my friends tried to be strong.

The strong feed upon weak. It's such an obligingly simple rule. Except in this world, my friends tried to be strong. -Armin Arlert (アルミン・アルレルト)-

People, who cant throw something important away, can never hope to change anything.

People, who can't throw something important away, can never hope to change anything.
-Armin Arlert (アルミン・アルレルト)-

You have to fight. If you dont fight you cant win.

You have to fight. If you don't fight you can't win.  
-Eren Yeager (エレン・イェーガー)-

You dont stand a single chance to win, unless you fight.

You don't stand a single chance to win, unless you fight. 
-Mikasa Ackerman (ミカサ・アッカーマン)-

My speciality is lacerating flesh, Anyone interested in experiencing my skills first hand, step right up.

My speciality is lacerating flesh, Anyone interested in experiencing my skills first hand, step right up. -Mikasa Ackerman (ミカサ・アッカーマン)-

 The only thing we are allowed to do is to believe that we wont regret the choice we made

No matter what kind of wisdom dictates you the option you should pick, no one will be able to tell if it's right or wrong till you arrive to some sort of outcome, resulting from your choice. The only thing we are allowed to do is to believe that we won't regret the choice we made. 
-Levi Ackerman (リヴァイ・アッカーマン)-

As a soldier, I swore to devote my heart to the resurrection of mankind! There is no greater glory than dying for that belief!

As a soldier, I swore to devote my heart to the resurrection of mankind! There is no greater glory than dying for that belief!
-Armin Arlert (アルミン・アルレルト)-

Whether you have the body, dead is dead.

Whether you have the body, dead is dead.
-Levi Ackerman (リヴァイ・アッカーマン)-

If theres anyone who can bring change, it will be someone willing to sacrifice what they care for. It will be someone who can throw aside their humanity in order to defeat monsters.

If there's anyone who can bring change, it will be someone willing to sacrifice what they care for. It will be someone who can throw aside their humanity in order to defeat monsters. -Armin Arlert (アルミン・アルレルト)-

If we only focus on making the best moves, We will never get the better of our opponents. When necessary, we must willing to take the big risks, and be prepared to lose everything

If we only focus on making the best moves, We will never get the better of our opponents. When necessary, we must willing to take the big risks, and be prepared to lose everything. -Erwin Smith (エルヴィン・スミス)-

Willpower alone isnt enough in battle.

Willpower alone isn't enough in battle. -Armin Arlert (アルミン・アルレルト)-

The one who sees them, will be the freest person in the world

From the moment we are born, we are free... It doesn't matter how strong those who would deny us that freedom are... Flaming water... Frozen Earth... I don't care what it is! The one who sees them, will be the freest person in the world! -Eren Yaeger (エレン・イェーガー)-

 But these people arent just pawns on a chessboard. They all have names, families and feelings in their hearts too
Of course, every soldier is prepared to die. But these people aren't just pawns on a chessboard. They all have names, families and feelings in their hearts too. They are all humans who live and bleed. You have the responsibility to ensure their death will not be in vain. No matter what may come, remember this in your naive heart, and be ready to die to fulfill that duty. 
-Riko Brzenska (リコ・ブレチェンスカ)-

This is just my opinion but when it comes to teaching someone discipline... I believe pain is the most effective way

This is just my opinion but when it comes to teaching someone discipline... I believe pain is the most effective way. -Levi Ackerman (リヴァイ・アッカーマン)-

No matter how messed up things get, you can always figure out the best solution.

No matter how messed up things get, you can always figure out the best solution. -Eren Yeager (エレン・イェーガー)-

The difference in judgement between you and me, originates from different rules derived from past experience.

The difference in judgement between you and me, originates from different rules derived from past experience. -Levi Ackerman (リヴァイ・アッカーマン)-

I made the wrong choice...I wanted to believe in my companions...because of that, everyone died!

I made the wrong choice...I wanted to believe in my companions...because of that, everyone died! -Eren Yeager (エレン・イェーガー)-

I dont like the terms good person or bad person because its impossible to be entirely good to everyone or entirely bad to everyone. To some, you are a good person, while to others, you are a bad person.

I don't like the terms "good person" or "bad person" because it's impossible to be entirely good to everyone or entirely bad to everyone. To some, you are a good person, while to others, you are a bad person.
-Armin Arlert (アルミン・アルレルト)-

Nothing can suppress a humans curiosity.

Nothing can suppress a human's curiosity. -Eren Yaeger (エレン・イェーガー)-

You cant change anything unless you can discard part of yourself too. To surpass monsters, you must be willing to abandon your humanity.

You can't change anything unless you can discard part of yourself too. To surpass monsters, you must be willing to abandon your humanity.
-Armin Arlert (アルミン・アルレルト)-

Do you always want to live hiding behind the mask you put up for the sake of others?! Youre you, and there's nothing wrong with that

Do you always want to live hiding behind the mask you put up for the sake of others?! You're you, and there's nothing wrong with that. -Ymir (ユミル)-

I dont have time to worry if its right or wrong, you cant hope for a horror story with a happy ending

I don't have time to worry if it's right or wrong, you can't hope for a horror story with a happy ending! -Eren Yeager (エレン・イェーガー)-

If it means mankind will live on, I dont mind being called a murderer.

If it means mankind will live on, I don't mind being called a murderer. 
-Dot Pixis (ドット・ピクシス)-

This world is merciless, and its also very beautiful.

This world is merciless, and it's also very beautiful.  
-Mikasa Ackerman (ミカサ・アッカーマン)-

1 comment :

  1. Thanks for compiling all those great words :)
